About Us

We are your data-driven growth marketing partner. Your success is our number one priority, we work diligently to help you reach your goals, whether it’s driving more traffic, leads, or revenue.

About Digitl Hive

Meet the High-flying Marketing Pros

At Digitl Hive, we’re not just results-oriented: we’re positively results-obsessed. Scaling from a small SEO company to a high-performance marketing agency, we know how to ignite true business growth for multi-location healthcare groups with proven growth tactics, data-driven strategies, and tenacity that’s hard to find elsewhere.

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Here’s How We Take Care Of Our Clients

We are trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry. Why? Because we make sure our customer’s needs are always in priority.


Fast, Painless Onboarding

Our onboarding process is designed to get you locked and loaded quickly and painlessly, with no burdensome time commitments needed. Quick doesn’t mean careless, however. The process is duly thorough to ensure your goals are met. Existing campaigns are evaluated and supported so that you experience no loss in leads during the transition


Timely Reporting

We’re not in the marketing business to just make nebulous promises and pocket your cash. Instead, we closely monitor campaigns and empower you with direct access to your data. You’ll also receive easy-to-understand reports that you can share out with stakeholders and use to justify business decisions.


Responsive Management

When you work with Digitl Hive, you won’t have to wait days or worse, weeks for communication. You’ll always have instant, direct access to your account management team. Most importantly, we’re proactive, meaning we anticipate hurdles, head off problems, and never rest on our laurels.

Let’s Grow Your Business Together

Get Free Expert Advice and transform your business into the fastest-growing, highest-performing version of Itself.


See what our clients say about us


Roger Waker


I strongly recommend SEO services to everyone in running a successful online business from DIGITL HIVE! I know it might seem like an expense that would e better elsewhere, but the ROI is worth it.


Selene Beckinsale

Koha Beauty

I have been able to see my business grow thanks to the digital advertising services they offer. It has helped me tremendously in increasing conversions and it's a huge relief because I was struggling with this for quite a while now.


Emily Silowka

Luke Grass

PPC can provide a great way to get results quickly for your business, but it's not as easy as you may think and there are some pitfalls that could be more difficult than expected. If you still want to give PPC a shot, I recommend hiring DIGITL HIVE before taking the plunge yourself if possible.


Eric Menezes

People Factor

I don't believe in magic, but with these talented young lads known as DIGITL HIVE. With their help, my social media posts, ads, and website content went from drab to fab! They're not only really good marketers, they know what's on trend for advertising which is important if you want people to notice your post. They know how to get things done right.